Jumat, 25 Mei 2012

hubungan faktor individu dan faktor pekerjaan terhadap stres kerja pada guru RSBI di SMA Negeri 1 Gresik


Job stress is a part of life stress. Job demands which is not appropriate to the capabilities or skills of workers and unfulfilled desires are the causes of job stress. This research aimed to find out the job stress, and the relationship of individual factors (age, gender, years of service, marital status, and personality type), and work factors (relationships with superiors, relationship with co-workers and the perception of workload) with job stress RSBI teachers of Public Senior High School 1 Gresik.
This study was analytical research with cross-sectional design. The population in this study was 75 RSBI teachers of Public Senior High School 1 Gresik. Meanwhile, the sample size that was determined by using simple random sampling was 67 people. The data obtained and analytically analyzed by using the chi square test with statistical significance level of 0,05.
The research results showed that job stress in RSBI teachers of Public Senior High school 1 Gresik was low, which was about 54%. With statistical tests, individual factors that had a relation to job stress were the age of the respondents (p=0,002) and work period (p=0,041). Work factors that had a relation to job stress was relationship with the superior (p=0,002).
It can be concluded that the age of respondents, work period, and relationship with the superior has a relationship with job stress in RSBI teachers of Public Senior High school 1 Gresik. It is suggested that the RSBI teachers increase their self-awareness of the symptoms that occur, and hold and maintain effective communication to their fellow teachers and principal, while the principal improve the communication and support his subordinates. It is also suggested to education office to provide trainings and development for new teachers.

Keywords: job stress, RSBI Teachers, individual factors, work factors


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